Want Better Conversions,
New Clients &

More Sales?

Write Better Copy

Website owner? Professional copywriter? Copywriter wannabe? Look over my shoulder as I show you all the tips & tricks to this easy system.

  • Are you tired of writing copy that gets zero response?
  • Do you wish you understood how pros came up with the creative and engaging words they use when they write copy?
  • Is your goal to confidently write website copy at will without frustration or fear, so you can boost your income on demand?

As a 30-year copywriting veteran who's responsible for over half a billion dollars in sales, I will show you the plan... the process. And I'll do it in simple, easy-to-follow lessons with tons of real-life examples!

Just imagine laying fingers to keyboard at will and crafting copy that's geared to your specific customer. Then watching as that connection repeatedly persuades your visitors to click, call, subscribe or buy.

And with all the tips, tricks and tools I give you in this copywriting course… creating this kind of response is easier than ever.

Are you ready to discover the #1 way to make an immediate impact on the sales and conversions from your...

  • Home pages
  • Web pages
  • Landing pages
  • Opt-in pages
  • Sales pages
  • Information pages
  • Webinar registration pages
  • Thank-you pages
  • Funnel pages… and so much more!
  • If so, the Copywriting Advantage course for you!

    Learn to Confidently Write Sales-Producing Web Copywriting at Will

    Copywriting Advantage: How to Communicate, Convince & Convert empowers you with a method you can use for predictable results. I guide you through each step of the copywriting process in logical order, so you have a clear path to follow.

    What’s more, having this essential skill will put you light years ahead of competitors who are still struggling to write a couple of paragraphs on a landing page. Create better copywriting—faster—and watch your online marketing campaigns generate results more profitable than you imagined.

    Cindy Bidar


    "Just wanted to say thank you for the excellent information. It was a joy to be on this event and actually focus on the topic without all the fluff and time wasters and distractions that others often include."

    Beth Earle

    What Will You Learn?

    Copywriting Advantage is all focus—and no fluff. I’ve provided a straightforward process all laid out with worksheets and cheat sheets, plus tons of real-life examples so you can grasp concepts with lightning speed. You will discover:

    • Ways to write clearly, concisely and compellingly — but without sleazy hype that turns people away.
    • Skills, tips and techniques you can use to write ANY TYPE OF COPY — not just online copy — making all of your marketing efforts easier.
    • Tons of examples along the way to reinforce each copywriting module and build your confidence as you go.
    Cindy Bidar


    "Karon, thanks a million…literally! $1.84MM dollars in revenue from four — count 'em, four — little landing pages. The ones you wrote. Using only email marketing, AdWords, and your four landing pages I built a business that previously didn't exist for my client. Because of this success, other retailers are pining to sell a product that was previously unsellable. As you can image, my clients are very happy!" 

    Matt DeYoung - 10 Spaces Consulting, Inc

    Cindy Bidar


    Cindy Bidar


    "There's so much educational babble out there in the online universe. One must think critically regarding what teacher to spend educational dollars on and time with in order to learn. You are one of those to me."

    Candace Fischer - Small Business Owner

    "This is an excellent product on many of the finer nuances of copywriting. Excellent course presented masterfully by an experienced teacher. Glowing congratulations to you and your staff. Very well done."

    Hiroshana - Copywriting Advantage Student

    What's Included in the Copywriting Advantage:
    How to Communicate, Convince & Convert Course

    Module 1 — Getting Started: Don't Write Until You Do This

    • The biggest mistake most copywriters make and the best way to overcome it.
    • A handy list to help you get everything you need in place before you start, so your copy practically writes itself!
    • Simple ways to decide whether (and how) to segment your copy.
    • The 5-step buying process all customers follow and how it simplifies the website copywriting process.

    Module 2 — Creating Value By Being Different

    • Discover why customers should buy from you and not your competition.
    • Unlock what's different or better about your products/service.
    • Learn how toothpaste helps define your unique competitive advantage so it's easy to understand.
    • What gap mining is and how it helps your copy command more attention than women’s hats at a British royal wedding. 
    • 23 ways to position yourself as the obvious choice for your customers.
    • The 4-part test that reveals whether your UCA is great or garbage.
    • Lots of examples so you can actually see these techniques in action.

    Module 3 — Choosing Company & Customer Language

    • The little-known copywriting secret for finding (and using) your customers' own words to build solid-steel connections.
    • How to pick up on (and repeat) the subtle, but powerful, emotions your customer is feeling.
    • 12 quick places to discover what your customer is saying/feeling.
    • Examples that highlight what you've learned.

    Module 4 — Headlines Crafted to Entice & Engage

    • How to generate an unlimited list of headline ideas for any type of copy.
    • The real purpose of your headline (most people are clueless!).
    • Why subheads are one of a copywriter's best friends.
    • The sneaky little trick for giving your subheads significantly more punch.
    • How to test your headlines to ensure they are at maximum performance.
    • Examples, examples, and more examples!

    Module 5 — Features, Benefits & End Results

    • What features & benefits really are (many people have them backwards!).
    • 7 steps for turning features into sales-generating benefits.
    • The end results (aka hidden benefits) that draw people to your product or service.
    • Why the questions "So what?" and "Who cares?" should be asked repeatedly when writing copy.
    • Multiple examples to demonstrate the how-to's.

    Module 6 — Crafting Bullets That Highlight, Differentiate & Overcome

    • 3 proven reasons why bullets work predictably to capture attention and reel in customers.
    • 5 different styles of bullet points you can use to set up any product or service as a must-have.
    • The DUH! tip for keeping your bullets from being repetitive and boring.
    • The 3-point test each of your bullets must pass to ensure it's a winner.
    • A variety of examples to show you exactly how it's done.

    Module 7 — Building Trust and Reducing Friction

    • How to overcome pricing objections, skepticism, fear, and other friction elements, so you can make more sales.
    • The correct use of price comparison charts that adds clarity and confidence, so customers buy without hesitation.
    • 3 slick ways to incorporate social proof to show that others trust, buy, and love what you're writing about.
    • Several examples, so you can grasp the concepts fast!

    Module 8 — Creating Compelling Calls to Action

    • The best 3 types of calls to action and how to use each for maximum conversions.
    • 7 call-to-action techniques that banish the boring "order now" and "subscribe" in favor of more click-worthy copy.
    • A bucketful of examples to demonstrate numerous ways to craft just the right action call for your copy.

    Module 9 — Putting it All Together

    • My exclusive F.A.C.E. method for deciding the perfect length for your copy.
    • 4 steps to turn ordinary sales copy into a powerful solution your customer has to have.
    • 10 elements of copywriting to check off each time you write for any product or service.
    • How working backwards actually brings you better results.•Expressing passion and persuasion without all the hype.
    • 3 varsity-level ways to overcome objections easily.
    • The truth about so-called conversion words and what it really takes to make them work.
    • How and why clarity trumps cleverness. Every. Single. Time.
    • Creative ways to use adjectives and adverbs to 10X increase your reader's response.
    • Examples, examples, and more examples.

    Bonus Ebook — Writing With Keywords (An $89 Value)

    • Writing With Keywords walks you specifically through optimizing website copy for the search engines. Originally sold on the site for $89, it is no longer available publicly except as a special bonus when you purchase Copywriting Advantage.

    Immediate Access

    Log in instantly and get started boosting your copywriting skills, and your income!

    Short Copywriting Lessons

    Learn copywriting a little at a time... whenever you have time.

    Cheat Sheets, Worksheets, & Spreadsheets

    These handy PDFs keep you on track with each copywriting lesson, plus give you a quick way to check yourself as you implement what you've learned. (A $49 value.)

    Q&A Support

    Have questions about the material? Ask them right inside the course!

    Cindy Bidar


    I finished going through your course and really enjoyed it. Your stuff had more meat in the subject matter than all 8 of the books I read by another famous copywriter."

    Dale Glaspie - Financial Adviser

    Cindy Bidar


    "Copywriting is one of those things that needs to be done for every type of web page — whether you do it or someone else does it for you. It will either be words off the top of your head or well-thought-out and strategic copy. It will either merely take up space on the page or will entice visitors to take your products or services seriously. The choice is yours. I made the choice back in 2010 to educate myself about this critical function. I met Karon Thackston that year and started my copywriting journey. What I have learned from her is as valuable as any skill I have in my business."

    Christine Cobb - MyBackyardDecor.com

    About Karon Thackston

    I’ve been involved in marketing since high school. I’ve worked at advertising agencies, radio stations and several in-house marketing departments.

    I've owned my own copywriting agency (MarketingWords.com) for over 20 years where I’ve created numerous copywriting courses, taught countless online classes, and spoken at high-profile conferences including Internet Retailer, Search Engine Strategies and Internet Summit.

    One thing I'm most proud of is how people describe my teaching style. I don't waste your time or overwhelm you with fluff just to make a course (look) bigger. I teach you what matters in a step-by-step fashion that’s easy to follow – and equip you with skills you can apply immediately to all your web pages for higher conversions and more sales.

    Ready to become a copywriting maestro? You've already got what it takes. Let me guide you the rest of the way.

    Copywriting Advantage: How to Communicate, Convince and Convert

    Want to fuel the performance of all your marketing efforts? Let me show you how - step-by-step - in this easy-to-follow copywriting course.

    Only $229

    Frequently Asked Questions About the Copywriting Advantage Copywriting Course

    Is Copywriting Advantage right for me?

    Yes, if you want to learn copywriting and you're a copywriter looking to upgrade your skills, a website owner, speaker, course creator, online marketer, affiliate marketer, or other professional who wants to boost the power and profitability of your copywriting.

    What format is the Copywriting Advantage course?

    This is an online video-based copywriting course. Your purchase gives you a single-user license with immediate access to all the modules.

    Is this another one of those website copywriting classes that only teaches how to write overly hyped-up copy? I'm really not into that! It makes me feel sleazy.

    I'm not into it either. You will never see me use the word "skyrocket" … ever. There's a Grand-Canyon–sized gap between being descriptive and persuasive, and resorting to overblown hype. I leave the hype back in 1993 where it belongs.

    The hardest part of copywriting for me is figuring out what my customers want. Will you cover that?

    There's an entire session that goes into a great deal of detail and provides you with an easy-to-follow worksheet to target audience profile creation. With a little research — and possibly a thesaurus — you'll be all set.

    I've bought other online copywriting courses before, only to find that they were all just filled with fluff. There wasn’t hardly any actual copywriting lessons included. Do you actually TEACH copywriting?

    You bet! I pride myself on all the compliments I've gotten over the past 20 years about having a very focused — and zero fluff — teaching style. Each of these copywriting classes is full of beefy information and actionable steps. If that's the way you like to learn copywriting, this is the best course for you.

    Can you promise I'll be the world's best copywriter when I've finished this copywriting course?

    Nope! And neither can any other course creator. I'm a bottom-line kinda girl, so let me tell you why no one can guarantee your success. Because I don't know you, whether you're serious about wanting to learn copywriting, what skills or talents you already have, and so on, I can't predict your level of achievement. Only you can make it happen. Go ahead, take the next step… I'm cheering for you!

    Your Purchase Is Guaranteed

    Jump in and get started today! If within 7 days you don't think this course provides any value, you may request a refund.

    Copywriting Advantage: How to Communicate, Convince and Convert

    Want to fuel the performance of all your marketing efforts? Let me show you how - step-by-step - in this easy-to-follow copywriting course.

    Only $229

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