Would you consider your shop/site a thrift store or a boutique?
I know… it’s an odd question, but a vital one. Here’s why.
Thrift stores have a mish mash of products that really don't belong together. It’s just a bunch of “things” tossed around that customers have to dig through.
But at boutiques, shoppers know for a fact they’ll find lots of choices for many specific items they need right now.
- Customers browse through thrift stores hoping they might possibly find something of value among the clutter. Often they walk away empty handed.
- Customers buy a lot from boutiques because they can quickly find everything they want (and several related things they didn’t even know they needed).
It's the difference between between being Big Lots and Louis Vuitton.
Why is that important?
It can mean the difference between one or two sales that trickle in every once in a while and:
- Spontaneous purchases that grow sales
- Increased visibility that brings more customers in
- Greater search rankings so you can get found easier
- Marketplaces that promote your products for you
- More passive income – making sales you didn’t have to work for
- And more
Here's an example from Hallmark...
Let's say you went to Hallmark in search of a congratulations card for a new baby. Then, because they are sitting right there, you also pick up a:
- Birthday card for your daughter whose special day is next month
- Retirement card for your Uncle Frank
- Sympathy card to have on hand just in case
So, instead of Hallmark making one sale, they’ve made FOUR sales.
How? Because they don't just have a few random cards lying around in case someone strolls in and wants one. Hallmark sells product lines of related products that people want and need. Can you imagine how many people walk in to buy "a" card for someone and walk out with five or eight or 10?
Are You Beginning to See the Magic of Product Lines?
Frito Lay Figured This Out Quickly, too, and Look What Happened
They started way back in 1932 with their original plain potato chips.
- Then they added additional flavors to create a product line (BBQ, Sour Cream & Onion, etc.)
- Then they created limited-time flavors to push the product line further (Cheesy Garlic Bread, BLT Sandwich, Game Day Chili just to name a few)
- Next, they made chips cooked in different ways (baked, kettle cooked and so on)
- Plus, chips made from different ingredients than potatoes (corn chips)
- And even chips in different shapes like triangles (Doritos), strips (Fritos) and curls (Cheetos)
And the sales soared!
The same goes for pretty much every major brand (and all the really smart minor ones, too!).
Call it what you will.
A snowball effect.
Chain reaction.
"Your resources I can honestly say are fantastic and make so much sense. I bless the day that I came across you on the internet."
~ Rachel Bunger

Here’s What You Get in Product Line Profits:
Proven Steps to Increase Sales
Session 1: What Makes up the Magic of Profitable Product Lines
Product lines hold some special power, for sure. We’ll cover exactly what they are, all the benefits and how to use them for a serious competitive advantage that drives more sales.
Session 2: Where to Find Product Line Ideas Your Audience Will Love
I’ll share my pro-level research so you’ll be able to spot items to include in your specific product lines with an eagle eye.
Session 3: Brainstorming Proven Sellers for Your Product Lines
We'll walk through real-life examples and brainstorm ideas for clever ideas to expand your product lines further.
Session 4: Where to Sell to Make More in Less Time
What if there were more places to list your product line than just your current shop/store/site? What if you could use what you already have and boost your income with a minimum of work? I’ll show you how!
Session 5: Creating a System to Guarantee Easier Product Line Creation
Think it’s going to be time-consuming to create new product lines? I’ve got a super-fast trick that works in almost all circumstances. You’ll love how stupid-simple it is and how quickly it lets you fill your store with new things to sell.

“What I most love about Karon’s products is the way she explains things and the “perfectly clarifying” examples she provides. She seems to understand the questions in my head and delivers answers I can immediately use. That’s why I enjoy being a part of her community. Karon is a caring, good-hearted person, someone I am proud to know.” ~ Mary Morris, - FrontPorchIdeas.com
Product Line Profits:
Proven Steps to Increase Sales
Only $59
About Karon Thackston
I started Marketing Words way back in 1999. Since that time, I’ve fallen in love with pickleball, puppies and passive income! (OK, I’ve always loved puppies.)
When I discovered the magic of product lines, I felt like I’d an gotten an instant raise!
Now I'm sharing the exact process I use to give you the opportunity to significantly grow the passive income from your existing products/courses.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do I have to have an existing Etsy shop, Amazon store or website?
A: Not necessarily. If you have plans to start a marketplace store or a website, the strategies you’ll learn in this training will help you put a system in place as you build that naturally drives more traffic and sales.
Q: Do you go through how to set up an Etsy/Amazon shop or website?
A: This is strictly about how to develop product lines to expand your sales. I will not cover setting up an Etsy/Amazon shop or website, how to list a product on Etsy, etc.
Q: Do you show us how to create all the different types of products in a product line?
A: With all the books on Amazon, products in Etsy and possible courses online, it is not possible for me to cover product creation for every type of product. I will show you how to find product line ideas (and a lot more).
Q: Does creating product lines require a lot of work?
A: That depends on the product types you sell and which platform you use. It is possible to make simple variations of products that only take a few minutes.
Q: How many products do I have to have in a product line?
A: There is no set number. You can start with two products in your product line and work up from there. Typically, the more you have, the better your success will be.
Q: Can you guarantee I'll make more sales?
A: Nobody can because no one but you can control who you are, how your run your business, what you sell or a dozen other factors that pertain to your success.

“There's so much educational babble out there in the online universe. One must think critically regarding what teacher to spend educational dollars on and time with in order to learn. You are one of those to me.”
~ Candace Fischer, - Small Business Owner
Product Line Profits:
Proven Steps to Increase Sales
Only $59
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