5 Ways to Double Your Sales Using Products You’ve Already Created

How to Double Your Sales Using Products/Courses You’ve Already Created

And do it in just a few steps without the constant stress of creating something new.

Do your current product sales follow this typical pattern? Launch a course or product. See a huge blast of sales. Then crickets. Or, if you’re lucky, one or two sales every blue moon.

What. A. Waste!

Do you sell:

  • Video training or ebooks on your own site
  • Printables, digital downloads or pretty much any product on Etsy or other marketplaces

Wouldn’t it be awesome to sell more courses / products using what you’ve already created? And equally great not to hang all your hopes of profit on a single launch?

I’m here to tell you that you can absolutely sell more and do it consistently without creating a new product/course every time.

If you’re a product and/or course creator, you can use what you already have to double your sales.

I did! And I’ll happily show you the strategies I used.

5 Ways I Use to Get the Most Profit from Every Product/Course

After the launch, there are still plenty of ways to earn consistently from what you’ve created. I’ll show you my 5 faves!

Simple Strategies That Take WAY Less Time

I don’t do complicated. These strategies won’t require a master’s degree in computer programming. And they get results.

Product Idea That DOESN’T Require You to Create Something New

Did you know that you can create something “new” without creating something new? I’ll walk you through it.

“What I most love about Karon’s products is the way she explains things and the “perfectly clarifying” examples she provides. She seems to understand the questions in my head and delivers answers I can immediately use. That’s why I enjoy being a part of her community. Karon is a caring, good-hearted person, someone I am proud to know.” 
Mary Morris- FrontPorchIdeas.com

How to Guide: 5 Ways to Double Your Sales Using Products You’ve Already Created

Only $29

Ready… Set… Profit!

This is a common sense approach that involves:

  • Rearrange a few things
  • Turning on some features
  • Mixing and matching
  • Tweaking this and that

In the end, you’ll wind up with a system you can use over and over to repeatedly earn more. Best of all, once it’s in place, it’s good for life!

What’s Included in How To Guide: 5 Ways to Double Your Sales Using Products You’ve Already Created

  • 1 watch-and-learn video that shows my 5 favorite ways to earn more from every course or product I create (you can finish this in about 1 hour)
  • Lots of examples with explanations and ideas
  • Helpful outline of the 5 ways we cover to keep with you as you implement your money-making strategies
  • Q&A right inside the course

About Karon Thackston

Since 1999, I've owned and operated Marketing Words, specializing in helping entrepreneurs entice, engage and earn more.

When I discovered these 5 ways to earn more, I felt like I’d gotten a raise! Now I'm sharing the exact process I use, so you can grow your income and do it faster than you thought possible.

Now’s the time to boost the earning power of every product/course you create & potentially earn twice as much as before?

"Your resources I can honestly say are fantastic and make so much sense. I bless the day that I came across you on the internet."
Rachel Bunger

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  Will this work for me if I want to sell more courses in the future, but aren’t selling my own courses and/or products now?

A:  This training is designed for people who are currently selling training courses and/or digital, printable or physical products. However, if you don’t sell these now, but plan to in the near future, it would be to your advantage to learn these strategies before you start. That way, you can set up the processes as you go along.

Q:  Is this a really long course?


A: Not at all. You should be able to finish the video in about one hour. My teaching style is all about focus, not fluff.

Q:  Will these 5 ways require any particular software (shopping cart/membership portal)?

A: A couple of the strategies will relate to the buying process (the rest will not).  I do not know every shopping cart/membership software. However, the strategies I teach in this training do not require anything out of the ordinary.

Q: Can you guarantee that I will double my sales?

A:  This training will give you the strategies I use to double the amount of sales I typically received in the past. Because I do not know you, your business, how you sell your courses/products, or your abilities, I cannot make guarantees about results.

Q:  Is this training all about creating lead magnets to sell courses/products?

A:  Nope. That’s a good way to do it, too, but it’s not what I’m going to show you here.

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"There's so much educational babble out there in the online universe. One must think critically regarding what teacher to spend educational dollars on and time with in order to learn. You are one of those to me."
Candace Fischer Small Business Owner

How to Guide: 5 Ways to Double Your Sales Using Products You’ve Already Created

Only $29

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