Video Marketing Stats
Affluent consumers prefer video and search to other digital advertising formats, as 41% of affluent online shoppers reported to eMarketer that they took an action after seeing one of these two ad formats. – Emarketer
188.7 million people in the US watched 46 billion online content videos in September 2013. The average American spent more than 20 hours watching online video. – Comscore
Visitors who view product videos are 85% more likely to buy than visitors who do not. – Internet Retailer
Internet video traffic will be 69% of all global consumer Internet traffic in 2017. – Cisco
If you've ever tried to play the role of “script writer” you know the challenges that come with writing narration for marketing videos. Once you provide Marketing Words with the concept of your video, the audience that the video will speak to and what tone should be used, we can deliver:
- a professionally crafted message
- in the length of your choice (between 1-3 minutes)
- and more
You'll have videos that communicate with your precise target audience to get the results you're looking for in under 3 minutes. That's a tall order, but one we gladly accept and excel at.
Video copywriting helps with:
- reinforcing your branding
- speeding the buying process through FAQs
- boosting loyalty with customer service
- increasing conversions through sales & promotions
- building a vocal following with social media
- relationship marketing with targeted greetings
- and so much more
The rate for video script writing is $175/minute.
Video is the fastest-growing medium online today and is showing no signs of stopping. When you're ready to get on board with a professional package of conceptualizing and copywriting, contact us today to get started.